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The fuel tank of this project adopts a two-ear vertical design, with an air chamber and manhole on one side, with a structural height of 32 meters. It is the first ultra-high vertical amphoric tank built by CMP Offshore Engineering, and will be installed on a 3500TEU container ship of Hartmann Company, a German ship owner. It is reported that 3500TEU container ship is a ro-ro ship, the ship's deck and cabin space is mainly used for loading cars, compact space, and the use of two-ear vertical storage fuel tank design, can release part of the capacity for the deck ro-ro area and the longitudinal space in the cargo hold, in order to maximize the purpose of loading.

However, the construction of such a fuel tank is not easy, and its unique structural form has brought great challenges to the construction of the project:

Limited site resources

As CIMC Pacific Marine Engineering's highest fuel tank at present, its structural closure is limited to the 900T bridge crane area, and the ultra-high structure and designated production area will affect the company's other fuel tank products. In this regard, the project team and various departments of offshore engineering carefully organize production and strictly implement the plan; At the same time, actively communicate with other product project teams to plan delivery plans to ensure that the impact between projects is minimized.

New upright saddle design

At the beginning of the project, the team began to plan the design of the hydraulic test saddle. According to the conventional requirements, after the fuel tank is filled with water, the total weight of the tank body and bracket will exceed 5200 tons, which poses new challenges to the structural strength of the vertical saddle and the ground bearing. In order to ensure the safety of the test, the project team carefully calculated the strength and rigidity of the saddle structure and the force on the ground to ensure that the safety requirements were met.

Water gas combination pressure test

In order to further ensure the safety of the water pressure test, the project team proposed a pressure test scheme combining water and gas, and fully discussed it with the customers AC-INOX, the owner Hartmann and the classification society to absorb the suggestions of the owner and the ship surveyor and continue to improve the scheme. In the end, CIMC Pacific Marine Engineering successfully achieved the first water-gas combined pressure test on the C-type tank.

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