责任编辑:cnlng    浏览:485次    时间: 2024-03-28 10:49:11    | 来源:航天能源   


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为进一步推动双方合作,强化双方优势互补, 3月19日,航天能源总经理张铁军与上海燃气副总经理李海涛进行会晤,双方围绕航天计量技术如何在管理计量场景中的示范落地和数据挖掘进行了深入交流,进一步探讨合作方向与合作方式,推动互惠共赢。


Zang Liang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Gas and President, Shao Jun, General manager of the Investment Management Department of Shenneng Group, Director of the office Wang Kai Yong, Vice President of the Eighth Academy Li Xin, Minister of Industrial Development Pu Tiejun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Space Energy and Chairman Yang Hanlin, Deputy general manager of Space Energy and general manager of Shanghai Feiao Company Zhu Shaoguang attended the meeting.

At this meeting, Shanghai Aerospace and Shenneng Group both said that the two sides will further expand the field of cooperation, innovate the mode of cooperation, and create a new situation of win-win cooperation in a wider scope, a wider field and a deeper level.

In order to further promote cooperation between the two sides and strengthen the complementary advantages of the two sides, on March 19, Zhang Tiejun, General manager of Space Energy, met with Li Haitao, deputy general manager of Shanghai Gas, and conducted in-depth exchanges on how to demonstrate and implement space metering technology in management metering scenarios and data mining, further discussing the direction and mode of cooperation, and promoting mutual benefit and win-win.

In the future, Space Energy will take the strategic cooperation between the Eight Institutes and Shenneng Group as an opportunity to deepen practical cooperation, focus on natural gas construction and digital and intelligent development, firmly promote the Eight Institutes' space technology to help industrial development and green energy development strategy, and promote the development of aerospace technology application industry with high quality.

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