责任编辑:cnlng    浏览:248次    时间: 2024-04-07 11:57:29    | 来源:山西华新尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!集团有限公司   


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尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!电话Tel: 19550540085: QQ号: 929496072 or 邮箱Email: Lng@vip.qq.com




The inspection team in-depth production site, large-scale, multi-angle, full coverage of the investigation, focusing on whether the fire fighting facilities remain intact and effective, fire emergency lighting, evacuation channels are smooth; Whether the process equipment area, loading and unloading truck area, storage tank area, lightning and electrostatic protection facilities, electrical equipment and electrical lines in the plant are safe; There is no leakage at the scene, the emergency cabinet and emergency material reserves were comprehensively investigated, and the inspection resolutely prevented fire hazards. During the inspection process, the inspection team every place, on the spot pointed out the existence of problems, and clear rectification measures, so that employees deeply realize the importance of "hidden dangers in open fire, prevention is better than disaster relief", to ensure that cadres and workers spend a stable and peaceful Qingming Festival provides security.

After the inspection, Luyachon put forward five requirements for the safety hidden dangers found and the safety production work during the "Qingming" period: First, improve safety awareness, always adhere to the principle of safety first, and implement various safety measures; Second, the hidden danger responsible department should strictly follow the "five fixed" principle to promote hidden danger closed-loop rectification in place one by one; The third is to strictly implement the main responsibility of safety production, comprehensively analyze and predict possible safety risks, and achieve "prevention in advance" to ensure safety and stability during the festival; The fourth is to strengthen the emergency duty work during the festival, strictly implement the leading cadres on duty and 24-hour duty system, strictly implement the accident information reporting system, to ensure that emergency situations, rapid response, effective response, timely disposal; Fifth, special operations are not carried out in principle during the holidays, and those that need to be carried out should be strictly approved and upgraded.

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