国家重点研发计划项目“稀缺难选焦煤精深分选关键技术与装备”启动 暨实施方案论证会在徐州召开
责任编辑:cnlng    浏览:310次    时间: 2024-03-29 10:31:36    | 来源:中国尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!   


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On the morning of March 24, the national key research and development plan "Strategic mineral resources development and utilization" key special project "Key technologies and equipment for deep separation of scarce and difficult coking coal", led by China University of Mining and Technology and researcher Zhang Haijun as the project leader, was held in Xuzhou.

Bian Zhengfu delivered a welcome speech on behalf of the project lead unit. He said that in recent years, the school has focused on national strategic needs, adhered to the "four aspects", vigorously promoted organized scientific research, strengthened top-level design, in-depth scientific planning, always aimed at national needs to solve scientific and technological problems restricting energy security and industry development, strengthened basic research and key core technology research, and worked hard to improve the ability to undertake major national scientific research tasks. China University of Mining and Technology, as the lead unit of the project, will provide comprehensive guarantee for the project implementation. It is hoped that the project team will strictly control the quality and progress of the project, ensure that the project research tasks and expected targets are completed on schedule, and provide important scientific and technological support for the efficient utilization of coking coal resources in China.

Pei Zhiyong focused on the process management requirements of key projects in the national key research and development plan, emphasizing the main responsibility of the project lead unit and project leader in the process of implementing relevant policies, and doing a good job in schedule control and key node management. It is hoped that the research units of the project team will strengthen collaboration, overcome the technical fortress, complete the expected goals of the project with high quality, and provide technical support and guarantee for the development of the industry and the industry.

Li Ming said that the Department of Science, Technology and Information Technology of the Ministry of Education will provide necessary guidance and support for the implementation of the project, and hope that China University of Mining and Technology will give full play to the role of the leading unit of the project, promote the progress of the project research, and produce a number of representative original results. It is hoped that the experts attending the meeting will provide more constructive opinions on the project implementation plan to guide and promote the smooth implementation of the project.

Liu Feng congratulated on the successful establishment of the project, pointing out that the project aims at the general direction of the development and utilization of strategic mineral resources of coking coal, and carries out intensive research on the deep separation process of scarce and difficult coking coal, which is a positive practice and beneficial exploration for the development and cultivation of new quality productivity of coal, and will greatly help the upgrading and iteration of coal separation technology. It is of great significance to ensure the safety of the supply of high quality coking coal raw materials in China. He said that in the process of scientific and technological research of the project, the China National Coal Association and the China National Coal Society will continue to do a good job in scientific and technological innovation service guarantee in personnel training, standard formulation, achievement eva luation, intellectual property rights and other aspects.

In the project report and inquiry session, the project leader Zhang Haijun, Professor Zhang Jianguo of China Pingmei Group, Professor Xu Zhiqiang of China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Professor Dong Xianshu of Taiyuan University of Technology, Professor Min Fanfei of Anhui University of Science and Technology, Professor Yan Xiaokang of China University of Mining and Technology reported the implementation plan of the project and the project. The experts questioned and studied each implementation plan, and put forward guiding opinions. After deliberation, the expert group unanimously adopted the project implementation plan.

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