可持续文旅创新论坛成功举办 SGS赋能文旅行业高质量可持续尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!
责任编辑:cnlng    浏览:183次    时间: 2024-06-12 10:18:57    | 来源:美通社   


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尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!电话Tel: 19550540085: QQ号: 929496072 or 邮箱Email: Lng@vip.qq.com

摘要:2024年6月6日,由上海市国际展览(尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!集团)有限公司主办、SGS协办的可持续文旅创新论坛成功举办。论坛汇聚了来自世界旅游及旅行业理事会、SGS、上海锦江国际酒店、万豪国际尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!集团、复星旅文及Club Med、AECOM、奥雅纳、上海建筑设计研究院、清华尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!建筑设计研究院等众多..

2024年6月6日,由上海市国际展览(尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!集团)有限公司主办、SGS协办的可持续文旅创新论坛成功举办。论坛汇聚了来自世界旅游及旅行业理事会、SGS、上海锦江国际酒店、万豪国际尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!集团、复星旅文及Club Med、AECOM、奥雅纳、上海建筑设计研究院、清华尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!建筑设计研究院等众多领域的杰出专家和行业标杆企业,共同探索文旅产业的可持续尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!之道。



On June 6, 2024, the Sustainable Cultural Tourism Innovation Forum sponsored by Shanghai International Exhibition (Group) Co., Ltd. and co-organized by SGS was successfully held. The forum brought together outstanding experts and industry benchmark enterprises from many fields such as World Travel and Tourism Industry Council, SGS, Shanghai Jinjiang International Hotel, Marriott International Group, Fosun Travel & Culture and Club Med, AECOM, Arup, Shanghai Architectural Design and Research Institute, Tsinghua University Architectural Design and Research Institute, to jointly explore the sustainable development of the cultural and tourism industry.

According to the WTTC (World Travel and Tourism Industry Council) data show that in 2023, the global tourism industry contributed 9.9 trillion US dollars of GDP, accounting for 9.1 percent of the global economy, and 1 out of every 10 jobs in the world is from the tourism industry. In China, cultural tourism industry has become an important pillar of the national economy, significantly driving economic growth.

Ms. Jia Jia, Deputy Director of the Environment, Health and Safety Business Department of SGS, said in her speech at the forum: "As an important carrier for the protection and dissemination of culture and civilization, the high-quality development of the cultural tourism industry has far-reaching significance in promoting the realization of sustainable development goals in various fields. According to the guidelines of the 14th Five-Year Plan, we must adhere to the development concept of shaping tourism with culture and complementing it with tourism, and deeply integrate sustainable development and innovation into every link of the cultural tourism industry. In this way, we can not only achieve the high-quality improvement of the cultural and tourism industry itself, but also contribute to promoting green and low-carbon development and helping build a beautiful China."

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