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Xinjiang is rich in coal reserves, and coal production has grown rapidly, forming a coal consumption pattern with "local conversion as the main, supplemented by Xinjiang coal transportation". In terms of resource reserves, Xinjiang, as the 14th large coal base of 100 million tons in China and one of the five national energy strategic bases, has extremely rich coal reserves, with predicted reserves of up to 219 trillion tons, accounting for about 40% of the total coal resources in the country. In terms of raw coal production, with the westward shift of China's coal development center, Xinjiang's raw coal production has increased rapidly. From 2017 to 2023, raw coal production has increased from 167 million tons to 457 million tons, with a compound annual growth rate of 18%. In terms of coal consumption, Xinjiang's coal consumption is mainly converted locally. In 2023, coal consumption in Xinjiang will account for 76% of the region's coal production, of which coal power and coal chemical consumption will account for 50% and 20% respectively. In terms of Xinjiang's coal export, in 2023, Xinjiang's coal export volume exceeded 110 million tons, and the export scale accounted for 24% of the region's coal production.

Xinjiang has coordinated economic development within Xinjiang and promoted the export of electricity, and the demand for electricity has increased rapidly, which is still mainly for internal use. At present, Xinjiang's industrial layout is dominated by oil and natural gas mining, electricity and heat production and supply, oil, coal and other fuel processing industries, coal mining and washing industries, and other energy-intensive industries, which drive the rapid increase in electricity demand in Xinjiang. At the same time, with the vigorous implementation of the national strategy of "Xinjiang electricity transmission", especially after the Central Xinjiang Work Symposium was held in 2015, Xinjiang's power industry has also ushered in a period of great development. From the perspective of electricity demand, from 2018 to 2023, the electricity consumption of the whole society in Xinjiang has increased rapidly, and the compound growth rate in the past five years has reached 12.3%. From the perspective of consumption structure, Xinjiang's electricity consumption is mainly for internal use. In 2023, Xinjiang's entire society consumes 382.1 billion KWH of electricity and 126.3 billion KWH of exported electricity, accounting for 76% of Xinjiang's electricity demand. In terms of Xinjiang electricity transmission, with the Changji-Guquan UHV Direct current transmission project put into operation in 2019, a "two-quadrille and two-direct" transmission pattern has been formed. By 2025, with the completion of the Hami-Chongqing DC delivery channel and the Ruoqiang-Huatugou AC delivery channel, a pattern of "three cross-three direct" delivery channels will be formed. At the same time, Xinjiang is accelerating the advance work of the fourth DC channel of "Xinjiang electricity delivery", and cooperating with the promotion of inclusion in national planning, the scale of Xinjiang electricity delivery is expected to continue to expand in the future.

Xinjiang's power generation structure is dominated by thermal power, and there is still room for nearly 30% growth in coal power installed capacity in the late period of the 14th Five-Year Plan, which is expected to bring about 50 million tons of raw coal consumption growth. In 2023, Xinjiang will generate 491.2 billion KWH of electricity, of which 379 billion KWH will be generated by thermal power, accounting for 77 percent. Relying on the advantages of coal resources and prices, Xinjiang plans to develop three coal power bases in Hami, Zhundong and Yili. According to the statistics of Polaris Power Grid, as of May 2024, Xinjiang has started 11 thermal power projects and approved 2 thermal power projects, with an installed capacity of 18 million kilowatts and an approved installed capacity of 2.64 million kilowatts, totaling about 20.64 million kilowatts. In the next 2-3 years, with the start and approval of coal power projects gradually put into operation, Xinjiang's coal power installed capacity will increase by 28.7% on the existing basis. In 2023, the coal consumption of Xinjiang thermal power industry accounts for about 50% of the coal consumption in the whole region, and the raw coal caliber consumes about 179 million tons of coal. If the number of thermal power utilization hours and coal consumption remain unchanged, we estimate that the new increase of 28.7% coal power installed capacity in Xinjiang is expected to bring about 50 million tons of raw coal consumption growth.

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