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On April 1, Jia Zhengxiang, member of the Party Group and deputy director of Gansu Provincial Energy Bureau, Xu Jizong, Party secretary and chairman of Gansu Energy Chemical Co., Ltd. visited China Coal Science and Industry Group Co., LTD., and Zhao Yongfeng, Deputy Party secretary and general manager of China Coal Science and Technology Co., LTD., held in-depth talks on strengthening bilateral cooperation and special research topics. Huang Fahai, Director of the Coal Department of Gansu Provincial Energy Bureau, Wang Zhimin, Standing Committee Member and deputy general manager of Gansu Nenghua Group Company, Fan Shaogang, Standing Committee Member and deputy general manager of China Coal Science Committee, and Wang Yougang, Director of China Coal Science Safety, Secretary of the General Party Branch of the Planning Institute and executive director of China Coal Science attended the meeting.

Jia Zhengxiang thanked China Coal Department for gathering innovative scientific and technological elements to provide a package solution for the development and construction of Jiulongchuan Coal mine in eastern Gansu Province, demonstrating the mission of China Coal Department as a central enterprise. Gansu Provincial Energy Bureau will do a good job to support the cooperation between China Coal Science and Gansu Energy Chemical Company to build a high-quality demonstration benchmark for the development of deep coal resources in Gansu Province and even the whole country.

Xu Jizong introduced the basic situation of Gansu NENG Chemical Group and Gansu NENG Chemical Co., LTD., expressed the intention to strengthen cooperation with China Coal Science at the group company level, and pointed out that Gansu NENG Chemical Company entrusted China Coal Science related secondary enterprises to carry out research on "Key technologies for deep well development of Jiulongchuan Coal Mine in Eastern Gansu Province". It aims to carry out comprehensive and in-depth cooperation around "rapid well construction, safety and green" in Jiulongchuan Coal mine, relying on China's coal science and technology innovation and technical equipment advantages, and build Jiulongchuan Coal mine into a benchmark demonstration coal mine for deep well development.

Zhao Yongfeng thanked the Gansu Provincial Energy Bureau and Gansu Energy Chemical Company for their full recognition of the work of China Coal, as well as their long-term concern and support. In view of the serious complex disasters of coal mines in eastern Gansu Province and the lack of mature construction experience, China Coal Section will give full play to the combat advantages of the corps and organize related secondary enterprises to form a joint research team. As the overall lead unit, the planning Institute should do a good job of overall planning and coordination, and the participating units should be highly cooperative and responsible for compaction, high-quality and efficient promotion of Jiulongchuan project to achieve "rapid well construction, safety leadership, green mining, and efficient production", help transform the coal resource advantages of Gansu Longdong area into economic advantages, and contribute China's coal science strength for deep coal resource development and energy security.

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