责任编辑:cnlng    浏览:205次    时间: 2024-04-02 10:08:36    | 来源:宁夏煤业煤制油之声   


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Since 2024, the coal-to oil sub-company has deeply implemented the spirit of the National two Sessions and the three-year action work deployment of production safety, earnestly implemented the work deployment of the Party Committee of Ning Coal Company, actively carried out the "eight major actions" and "Standardization consolidation Year" activities to effectively cope with the impact of weather changes such as low temperature and snow. Actively carry out hidden danger investigation and rectification and "accident warning month" activities, carry out a series of purification, seven series of Fischer-Tropsch equipment maintenance, actively promote the implementation of technological transformation and smart chemical projects, strengthen the New Year's Day, the Spring Festival, the national two sessions and other important time nodes of safe production, the device maintained "safe, stable, clean operation" and high load operation. Coal-to-oil people use the hard work of spring to win the fruits of the opening season of 2024: As of March 31, the branch produced 1,0666,600 tons of oil chemicals, breaking the 1 million tons mark, producing 309,000 tons of methanol, and self-generated electricity of 761 million KWH, achieving a total of more than 1,400 days of safe production, and successfully achieving a good start to the first season!

Spring flowers, all things recovery, the east wind is flourishing. Coal-to-oil people with a high attitude of forging ahead, with a high sense of responsibility, mission, and urgency, "strict management and love" grasp safety, bow full string Zhang refuel dry, promote the transformation of theme education results, and cultivate new quality productivity and new momentum. With the rhythm of spring, the passion of struggle is surging everywhere on the coal-to-oil land.

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